Grade Calculator

To determine what you need to get on the Math 103 final to obtain a particular grade, fill in the details of your current grades below (all out of 100 points):

Homework 1: x 0.3
Homework 2: x 0.3
Homework 3: x 0.3
Homework 4: x 0.3
Homework 5: x 0.3
Homework 6: x 0.3
Test 1: x 1.5
Test 2: x 1.5
Test 3: x 1.5
Attendance: x 0.2
Each homework is worth 30/1000 points.
Each test is worth 150/1000 points.
Attendance is worth 20/1000 points.
The final will be worth 350/1000 points.

I want to score % in the class.

Overall UMUC Grade Scale:
A ≥ 90%
90% > B ≥ 80%
80% > C ≥ 70%
70% > D ≥ 60%
60% > F